国内、国际期刊审稿人,全国3D认证专家,发表学术论文20余篇,其中SCI/EI收录6篇,发明专利2项,软件著作权2项。代表作如下: [1]. WangYu-gang,XiuShi-chao. An intelligence evaluation method of the environmental impact for the cutting process[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019, Vol. 227, No. 8,Pages:229-236. (SCI,2区) [2]. WangYu-gang,XiuShi-chao. Theory analysis of grinding fluid jet and its effect on surface roughness of workpiece[J]. International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering,2017,Vol.7,No.1,Pages:1-17.(EI) [3].王宇钢, 修世超. 基于聚类和自适应神经模糊推理系统的数控机床绿色度评价方法[J]. 中国机械工程, 2018, 29(23):77-81+90.(EI) [4].王宇钢,裴少勇,修世超.磨削区气流场仿真与实验研究[J].东北大学学报,2015,36(1):91-94. (EI) [5].王宇钢, 修世超,王柯元.基于模糊聚类的绿色工艺评价样本分类方法[J].东北大学学报,2016,37(3):387-390. (EI) [6]. Yu-gang WANG , Shi-chao XIU. Sample Classification Method for Green Process Evaluation Based on Kernelized Fuzzy C-means Clustering[C]//2017 2nd International Conference on Test, Measurement and Computational method,2017,5,242-250. (EI)